Resources for Supporters of MN Military Connected E2020 Sessions
Talking about Talent Acquisition, Value of Veteran Employee
This session will talk about talent acquisition and the unique value of Veteran employees.
Employer Support of Guard and Reserve (ESGR)
Does an employer have to reemploy a servicemember after military service? What options does an employee have if he thinks his employer is discriminating against him based on military service? What if the employee missed a promotion while on military duty? How are benefits impacted by an employee’s military service? What if a family member wants to spend time with a servicemember leaving for deployment? These questions and more will be answered in this presentation.
MN National Guard Office of Diversity & Inclusion
The Minnesota National Guard Diversity Initiative (MNNG DI) strives to promote diversity and inclusion throughout the MN National Guard. This session will highlight MNNG D&I initiatives as well potential opportunities for employer partnership.