The Minnesota Military & Veterans Exchange (MNme) is a coalition and community with one simple goal: to create a rallying point for all things related to creating healthier military and prior service communities.
There are hundreds of tools and organizations created to support those currently serving, prior service members, their families, and caregivers. So many, in fact, that it can be hard to know where to start looking. MNme raises awareness and provides organized, effective access to the resources available to the Minnesota military and veteran community. We strive to facilitate meaningful connections.
MNme aims to break down the barriers and silos that currently exist between organizations, corporations, and the military communities they serve. Our role is to foster engagement through shared goals and continuous communication, leading to lasting relationships and better outcomes for all.
Those currently serving, veterans, military families, and caregivers are geographically dispersed across our state. MNme is dedicated to supporting them all, regardless of distance or location. Even if you’re far away, you’re not forgotten.
Whether you are currently in service, transitioning, or retired, the MNme community is here for you. Our intent is to promote and support whole health in every person who is currently serving. We nurture minds, bodies, and spirits because we know that confidence in personal strength leads to embracing deep purpose. Together, we will help you achieve the life you deserve.
While it’s true that some prior service members need help, many more are eager to GIVE help. Those who have retired from the military are among the most disciplined, loyal, trustworthy, and capable citizens of our country. MNme works to shift perceptions of prior service members, helping people understand their experiences and embrace their boundless potential.

Men and women from every military branch form a community bonded by their commitment to serve. Having served, these individuals often find themselves grappling with a vast array of unique circumstances. Unfortunately, there is no one-size approach the community can take to address these situations. Instead, the we must come together to create a network, a consolidated hub of communication. MNme is that hub.
We raise awareness of the existing supportive community and strengthen the connections military, prior service members, their families and caregivers have to that community. We encourage all organizations that honor and support those currently serving and veterans to use this site to find each other, connect, share information, and collaborate.
Strengthening MN military and veteran families through collaboration and partnership.
Twin Cities Military & Veteran Exchange

Counties: Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Carver, Scott, and Dakota
Sign up for Notifications for Quarterly Gatherings:
2021 Gatherings:
Q1: Feb. 2 Q2: May 4 Q3: Sept. 7 Q4: Nov. 2
(Meeting times will be 11:30am-1:00pm)
St. Cloud Region Military & Veteran Exchange

Counties: Stearns, Benton, Sherburn, and Wright
2021 Gatherings:
Q1: Jan. 13 Q2: April 14 Q3: Aug. 11 Q4: Oct. 13
Sign up for Notifications for Quarterly Gatherings:
Region 5 Military & Veteran Exchange - Camp Ripley Area

Counties: Cass, Crow Wing, Wadena, Morrison, and Todd
2021 Gatherings:
Q1: Wed, Jan. 13 Q2: TBD Q3: TBD Q4: TBD
Greater Duluth Area

Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee (ISFAC) - Northstar (NISFAC)
MN Counties: Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Itasca, Aitkin, Carlton, and Pine
WI Counties: Douglas, Bayfield, and Burnett
2021 Gatherings:
Q1: Jan. 6 Q2: April 7 Q3: July 7 Q4: TBD
South Central Regional Military & Veteran Exchange

Counties: Dodge, Freeborn, Mower, Steele, Rice, and Waseca
2021 Gatherings:
Q1: Jan. 28 Q2: April 22 Q3: July 22 Q4: Oct. 28
Learn more about MNME Strategic Alliances



VA Veteran Experience Office
Community engagement by independent, community-based organizations that are comprised of a collaborative network of Veterans, advocates, resources, and other stakeholders who organize in the local community to improve outcomes for Veterans, those currently serving, and their communities to create ‘Veteran-friendly Communities’.

Building Healthy Military Communities
Building Healthy Military Communities (BHMC) is a pilot initiative intended to improve mission readiness, health, and well-being of geographically dispersed persons currently serving and their families through increased awareness and access to military and community resources promoting well-being. To achieve this goal, we are seeking to leverage three interventions: state coordinators, a strategic information campaign, and mobile-health technologies.
Let’s Get Started...